Would someone please take the time to explain how it is possible that a nimrod like this is able to be heard let alone be seen?
1. Everyone on the planet is stupid...and they enjoy reveling in what makes them comfortable.
2. The media made me do it!
3. I don't know...I just watch the show, I don't control what goes into making it!
4. WTF do you want stupid is entertaining!
Alright. I realize that this list could be much larger but the truth is you all know why a nut bag like Spencer Pratt is still drawing "celebrity" breath. It's because of us.
As we all know we live in a time of Capitalism...where the demand for consumption is that which determines what is created. However, it is more then simple "Supply and Demand", it is more like the manufacturing of trends...creating abstract needs that are non-existent.
Heavy stuff right.
Sure, it is easy to rent a Michael Moore movie and feel enlightened. But it seems more often then not, the Michael Moore movie acts as a modern day confessional. The absolution of sin by viewing the ills of the world, and acknowledging, in private, that the world is indeed fucked up! Once you have finished you simply return to the ignorance.
Spencer Pratt is a symptom of a greater disease that has infected the North American identity. The idea that we are not responsible for our actions. He is the poster boy for this attitude.
He trots along...spouting hate, and stupidity...sensationalizing the elements of humanity that we are all taught to avoid, and still he is shown on television. There is nothing that he serves other then to debase his wife and himself. He is not a person, he is a whore...clowning around like a spastic court jester, who feels that he is losing his appeal with his King and in desperation will do anything to keep the Courts favor. Meanwhile, we, the public, shake our fists and scream at the heavens begging for relief...and all the while it is us who have created this Frankenstein.
When we hide in the corners of internet cafes and secretly review the latest exploits of Spencer the angry husband, it is us who give him life.
I say, ENOUGH.
Every time I hear about this moron, and how he has butchered his wife...making her into 45 year old twenty-something, I feel disgusted.
His idiotic blabbing about who is fucking who, and how they are half the "star" he is, I want to carve off my own leg, if for no other reason but to stop the mental pain.
The best part about this walking bag of useless skin is that he claims to be a Christian. Now, I may not be a card carrying "Born Again", but I thought...and maybe I am wrong...that in order to make it to the Jesus training camp, you need to abide at least the basic tenets of Christianity. Clearly I have been misinformed. Evidently you can claim to be a Christian, and break every FUCKING rule in Jesus' long as you say you are a are good to go.
I believe that Spencer Pratt is a kind of idiotic war criminal...happy to cook a race in an order to gain noteriety.
I have a suggestion...take him...Paris Hilton...the entire cast of Jersey Shore...all of the Real World casts...and send them to War. They are all Americans, and lord knows that country loves to send its people to die...and if, and I mean IF they survive, then they can be showcased.
I beg all of you...stop the bleeding before it is too late!