Friday, May 14, 2010

Just my Opinion: Death Machines...makes you wonder about our future.

Let me level with you...I am not a tree-hugger. I recycle. I do my best to conserve water, and limit my household waste...I even do what I can to avoid products that use too much packaging, and I stay informed enough to know who to avoid and what not to purchase.

In other words, I do what I can...without having to rebuild my life style, or retro fit all of my pre-existing fixtures in my rental apartment.

I also have to admit, as much as I yell and scream when I encounter the occasional article about clear cutting forests, or evil corporations gutting the earth for profit, I don't get off my ass, pick up a sign and protest...I really go no further then ranting and raving.

I don't think I am in a minority.

We all hate to see the rape of the planet...yet we still drive our oil fueled cars to the park, and go for a walk.

Such indignation spouts from our collective conscience when we think of what Global Warming means for the future of our species...yet the majority of the planet has yet to demonstrate the fortitude to make the necessary sacrifices to ensure the safety of the planet for our future generations.

I realize that I sound like every other slightly informed dissident, however, this most recent assault on the planet, you know the one pumping mass amounts of crude oil into our oceans, has really got me thinking. I find myself wondering if anyone else feels that we are falling into a deeper hole then ever...not in a 2012 mystical prophetic "block buster movie way", in a real...if this problem continues without extreme intervention the most important resource on our planet, our life blood, will be irreparably damaged...way!

If the human body can not survive without water for more than three long can our planet survive without clean water?

I am not going to pretend to understand currents and water flow points, or how the Earth's water circumnavigates the globe, but I don't think I need the expensive degree to see what is obvious. We are killing the Earth!

The question that now remains is why?

Why are we blissfully killing the Earth?

Why are we seemingly committed to the death of life?

Why do we care more about what we consume, how we appear and what labels are on the insides of our clothing, but we seemingly have no issue with how all of these things are manufactured and attained.

I realize I will not answer this question here, but I hope you all have some insight.

Let me hear your thoughts...


  1. It's all about greed and profits. Clean energy might not be cheap or readily accessible but it is out there. The bottom line has to serve the interests of a select few, namely big corporations and the US who are the worlds energy user and abuser.

  2. How to stop it? How could anyone. It would turn to war and that too would be the end of our earth.
    It is sad to see the earths quick demise. But hopefully like we turned around the hole in our Ozone layer years ago, we will find a way to clean the water. Human can also be magical.

    Ariana Smith
