Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Town...why is this happening to you?'s the deal, it seems the brain trusts from down south plan to eliminate another intelligent, well written television show before it even has the chance to gain momentum. The most common complaint about the show..."it's too confusing"..."it's too hard to follow"...etc.

Lets start with the has only been 3 episodes...3 episodes and you are already lost, how the hell do you make it to the washroom, or even to your jobs, besides, did you expect that the writers were going to give you everything in one shot? These are the same viewers that have watched 5 and half seasons of LOST without a complaint, and I know that that show has been purposely confusing...but there seems to have been no issues with that show (unless you review the comments about the latest episode). if it isn't the content is it the style...maybe the quality of the show?

If we are using LOST as the comparison...they are both ABC shows. Quality can't be that far off, can it?

So here is the big the only reason Happy Town is having these issues because of the timing of its release. I mean in the midst of LOST fever can any show that has an undertone of mystery and intrigue survive? When the shiny big budget eye candy fest that is LOST is sluggishly coming to an anti-climactic conclusion can the other show that share a degree of commonality withstand the backlash that has seemingly struck the comparable shows that share this genre?

Here's my theory...NO. I is possible, but the biggest issue is the audience, and far too often the audience that determines the life span of a show happens to be short sighted...lacking in creativity, and in need of instant gratification. For shows like Happy Town, Flash Forward, Journey Man, Jericho, and the like to continue to breathe they need to beat out the action shows, that have very little substance, and a TON of eye candy, which, as we have seen in film, as well as in most popular arts is extremely difficult. Adding insult to injury is the most popular and arguably the most confusing modern television show of modern history is slowly turning into the biggest let down in TV history.

Here's what need to be done...we all need to look past the knee jerk reaction to the lame series close to LOST, and fall into the new environment that is being offered by this fresh and exciting offering that is Happy Town. We need to give it the opportunity to fail...not because we are ticked that 5 seasons have culminated in a douche fest...but because it is, or it isn't a good show.

Here is my challenge to you all...keep Happy Town around...if for no other reason but to allow it the chance that you all gave to fizzle fests such as 24 (which should have only been 48), Prison Break (which should have only broke out once), and just for shits and giggles, all of those bad versions of St. Elsewhere (Chi Town Hope, ER (post Clooney), Grey's Waste of Time, etc.).

Listen people...wake up and smell the story lines...if we continue to give up on quality shows, then we will be left with garbage lacking in substance.

Remember...what we consume determines what we are fed...stop eating shit!

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